Nordea consensus

Consensus estimates | Nordea

Please view the analysts’ consensus forecast for Nordea.

NORDEA BANK ABP : Target Price Consensus and Analysts …

NORDEA BANK ABP : Target Price Consensus and Analysts Recommendations | NDA FI | FI4000297767 | MarketScreener

Mean consensus, BUY. Number of Analysts, 15. Last Close Price, 11,47 €. Average target price, 12,60 €. Spread / Average Target, 9,89%.

NORDEA BANK ABP analysts consensus, targets, ratings and recommendations | Nasdaq Helsinki: NDA FI | Nasdaq Helsinki

Nordea Bank Abp konsensusarviot (NDAFI) –

Nordea Bank Abp (NDAFI) -konsensusarviomme tarjoavat seuraavien 12 kuukauden ajalle hintojen konsensusennusteen, joka perustuu alan huippuanalyyseihin.

NDA.FI.FI | Nordea Bank Abp Analyst Estimates & Rating – WSJ

Nordea Bank Abp analyst ratings, historical stock prices, … Per-Share Earnings, Actuals & Estimates Nordea Bank Abp … Actual Analyst Range Consensus.

Scanfil: FY 2023 EBIT guidance midpoint was 4% over …

Scanfil: FY 2023 EBIT guidance midpoint was 4% over consensus – Nordea | Inderes: Osakeanalyysit, mallisalkku, osakevertailu & aamukatsaus

1 päivä sitten — Overall, we believe the market consensus for operating profit 2023 will be upgraded by 4-5% after the earnings announcement. Dividend proposal …

Scanfil reported 1% above our net sales forecast in Q4. Operating profit was 3% above our estimates in Q4. Full year 2023 revenue guidance midpoint indicates 1.6% y/y revenue growth in 2023.

Analysts & consensus – Danske Bank

Analysts & consensus

Ratings from equity analysts covering the Danske Bank share and consensus earnings estimates for 2022-2024.

Commissioned research: Rovio – Guiding for a stable 2023

Microsoft Word – COMMFlash_34947_1

9.2.2023 — User acquisition (UA) investments at EUR 23.3m were above our estimate of EUR 22.4m, i.e. 31.3% of. Games revenue (Nordea: 30.4% / consensus: …

Analysts and estimates – Alma Media

Nordea, Sanna Perälä, +358 9 530 08459, sanna.perala(at) OP, Kimmo Stenvall, +358 10 252 4561, kimmo.stenvall(at) Consensus estimates.

According to our knowledge the following analysts have regular coverage on Alma Media. The listed analysts follow Alma Media on their own initiative.

Analyst coverage and consensus estimates | DSV A/S

Analyst coverage and consensus estimates … Nordea. Lars Heindorff / Thomas Lind Petersen. +45 5376 6054. …

Nordea Bank AB ADR Analyst Estimates – NRDBY

NRDBY | Nordea Bank AB ADR Analyst Estimates | MarketWatch

Nordea Bank AB ADR analyst estimates, including NRDBY earnings per share estimates and analyst … Consensus, Overweight, Overweight, Overweight …

Nordea Bank AB ADR analyst estimates, including NRDBY earnings per share estimates and analyst recommendations.

Keywords: nordea consensus